Case Study
Personalized Learning
This school year, many districts have welcomed students back for face-toface learning and others have found ways to improve and enhance their virtual programs.
Research: Outcomes of Blended/Online Learning Programs: Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District
Individualized instruction supported by real-time data
and an engaging adaptive learning practice tool boosts elementary classroom performance
Southern University Laboratory Virtual School
Southern University operates a full-time online school
serving kindergarten through 12th grade students across the state of Louisiana using K12 Learning Solutions curriculum, teachers, and mentors
Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District
Online credit recovery program for high school and alternative
education students helps district achieve 100% graduation rate and keep kids in school
Research: Outcomes of Blended/Online Learning Programs: Clark County School District
Online world language program helps nation’s fifth-largest
school district expand student opportunities in the face of
growing teacher shortages
Watson Institute Social Center for Academic Achievement
Children with highly specialized needs thrive in a special
education school using a flexible in-person blended learning model incorporating K12 teachers and powered by K12 Learning Solutions online curriculum
Online and Blended Learning Programs in K-12 Educational Organizations Using K12 Curriculum and Teachers
Partnerships between K12 and program-level teachers and support
staff leads to student success
Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools
State education association offers powerful supplemental
adaptive digital learning instruction to K–12 schools across Alabama, supported by grant-funded specialists and in-school facilitators
Research: Outcomes of Blended/Online Learning Programs: Colorado Springs School District 11 – Achieve Online
At-risk middle and high school students thrive and learn
to love school in a blended learning alternative education
school, leading to a successful educational experience